September 2024
September 7, 2024

All Sports Jamaica

"Uniting Jamaica through Sports"

Dinthill High

Jamaica High School Football-Dinthill High

Dinthill High

DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Zone K, DaCosta Cup 2023-2024, DaCosta Cup 2023-2024 Quarter Finals, DaCosta Cup 2023 - 2024 Round of 32, DaCosta Cup 2023-2024 Zone J, Group 2, Group 3 - DaCosta Cup Round of 16 2023 - 2024, Group B-Quarter-Finals, Group B - Quarter Finals DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023, DaCosta Cup 2023-2024, School Boy Football 2022 - 2023, Schoolboy Football 2023-2024

DaCosta Cup Round of 32 Full Tables 2023-2024 Season



0(2) - 0(4)
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Glenmuir High DaCosta Cup Semi-Finals 2023-2024

3 - 2
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024 Quarter Finals
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024

Kingston College vs Dinthill High Champions Cup Quarter-Finals 2023 -2024

(Quarter Finals - Match 3)
2 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
B.B. Coke High School Field

B.B. Coke High vs Dinthill High Quarter Finals DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Quarter Finals - Match 2)
3 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Garvey Maceo High Quarter Finals DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Quarter Finals - Match 1)
2 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Cornwall College Quarter Finals DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Round of 16 - Match 3)
2 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs William Knibb High Round of 16 DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Round of 16 - Match 2)
0 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Kirkvine Sports Complex

Christiana High vs Dinthill High Round of 16 DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Round of 16)
0 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs McGrath High Round of 16 DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Round of 32)
7 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Horace Clarke High Round of 32 DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

(Round of 32)
0 - 2
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Horace Clarke High School Field

Horace Clarke High vs Dinthill High Round of 32 DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

3 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Enid Bennett High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

0 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Charlemont High School Field

Charlemont High vs Dinthill High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

7 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Charlemont High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

0 - 5
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Ewarton High vs Dinthill High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

1 - 2
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
McGrath High School Field

McGrath High vs Dinthill High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

3:30 pm
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Bybrook Sports Center

Enid Bennett High vs Dinthill High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

6 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs Ewarton High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

3 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2023-2024
Schoolboy Football 2023-2024
Dinthill Technical High School Field

Dinthill High vs McGrath High DaCosta Cup Football 2023-2024

2(5) - 2(4)
Ben Francis KO Cup 2022
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

York Castle High vs Dinthill High Quarter-Finals Ben Francis KO 2022

(Quarter Finals - Match 3)
0 - 4
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Quarter Finals
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Clarendon College DaCosta Cup Quarter Finals Group B Match 3

(Quarter Finals - Match 2)
1 - 3
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Quarter Finals
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Central High vs Dinthill High DaCosta Cup Quarter Finals Group B Match 2

(Quarter Finals - Match 1)
0 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Quarter Finals
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Edwin Allen High DaCosta Cup Quarter Finals Group B Match 1

(Round of 16 - Match 3)
3 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Round of 16
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs William Knibb High DaCosta Cup Round of 16 Group 2 Match 3

(Round of 16 - Match 2)
0 - 2
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Round of 16
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Paul Bogle High vs Dinthill High DaCosta Cup Round of 16 Group 2 Match 2

(Round of 16 - Match 1)
1 - 2
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023 Round of 16
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
Drax Hall Sports Complex

Dinthill High vs Cornwall College DaCosta Cup Round of 16 Group 2 Match 1

(Round of 32)
8 - 1
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Browns Town High DaCosta Cup Knockout Stages Round of 32

4 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs McGrath High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

1 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Guys Hill High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

1 - 5
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Enid Bennett High vs Dinthill High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

1 - 4
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Charlemont High vs Dinthill High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

10 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Ewarton High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

1 - 2
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

McGrath High vs Dinthill High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

1 - 4
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Guys Hill High vs Dinthill High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

10 - 0
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Enid Bennett High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

4 - 3
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Dinthill High vs Charlemont High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

1 - 3
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023
DaCosta Cup 2022-2023

Ewarton High vs Dinthill High Zone K DaCosta Cup 2022-2023