September 2024
September 17, 2024

All Sports Jamaica

"Uniting Jamaica through Sports"

Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is a variation of volleyball, but it is played on the beach or in the sand. Like volleyball, the object of the game is to send the ball over the net and into the opposing team’s court.

Two teams play, but unlike volleyball with six players per team, the beach volleyball team can only field two players. Substitutions are not allowed in beach volleyball.

The dimensions of a beach volleyball court are smaller (16 x 8 meters) than those of a normal volleyball court (18 x 9 meters). Unlike volleyball, beach volleyball does not have an attack line. The match is played to the best of 3 sets at 21, 15 to decide a set.

Players can switch sides whenever they want; there are no rotation errors for beach volleyball. It is also legal to go under the net as long as it does not interfere with the opposing team. The teams change courts when they reach seven points.

Beach volleyball has been a part of the Olympic Games since the 1990s.